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Top Fin Aquatics

Red Tail Penguin Tetra

Red Tail Penguin Tetra

Regular price $18.99
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Natural Range: Found in Rio Teles Pires.

Sold as: Unsexed.


Tetras are incredibly popular in the aquarium hobby because of the wide variety available, ensuring there's a species for everyone. They're typically small and peaceful, which makes them easy to care for, and many species are known for their vibrant colors, making them a joy to watch.

Setup Considerations:

Most tetras thrive best when kept in large groups. In the wild, they naturally form schools or shoals for protection against predators, and they maintain this behavior in aquariums. Without a group, tetras can feel stressed or vulnerable. Thankfully, their small size means you can keep a sizable group even in a moderately sized tank. They’re generally open-water swimmers, and while they look great in planted or decorated tanks, it isn’t a strict requirement.


In their natural habitat, tetras are omnivores. During the rainy season, they have access to a variety of food like insect larvae, tiny crustaceans, and worms. In the dry season, when food is scarcer, they survive on detritus, algae, and biofilm. This adaptability translates well to aquarium life, as tetras will eagerly accept a variety of dry, frozen, or live foods.

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